Shipping Methods:
United States & Canada
For all orders over $50, standard shipping is free. For expedited shipping, rates will depend on your location.
Shipping charges and available service will vary based on package weight and country of destination.
All applicable customs fees, taxes and duties are the sole responsibility of the customer. Customs authorities require that we state the value of your order directly on your package – the value is the retail cost. Packages cannot be marked as a “Gift” in order to avoid customs and duties fees.
Please note that on rare occasions, customs agents may delay the delivery of some packages at their discretion. For more information on customs and duties charges, please contact your local customs office.
Orders can take up to 10 business days to process and be shipped. Tracking information is provided via email. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.
When will my order ship? Shipping times start when your package has left our shipment center and been received by the shipping carrier. Please allow us 1-3 business days to fulfill your order. Most domestic orders with valid addresses placed before 10:30am PST (M-F) will be shipped out same-day. If you are in urgent need for an order placed after 10:30am PST, please contact our customer support team.
Shipping Times: Estimated delivery times displayed during checkout are automatically generated and are subject to change according to the shipping carrier. Please see your tracking information for your final delivery estimate.
All estimated shipping times, including expedited options, may experience random delays during COVID-19. There is no refund guarantee for expedited shipments (except through Priority Express Mail).
Do you ship to P.O boxes or rural zip codes? Yes, but we cannot guarantee expedited or overnight deliveries. We recommend selecting standard shipping for these orders.
What do I do if my tracking status says my order has been delivered and I have not received my package? Oh no! Please contact us ( within 14 days of the delivery date so we can investigate further.
Do you ship to Puerto Rico? Orders to Puerto Rico have free shipping over $30. Your order should arrive within 7-10 business days once it leaves our shipment center. Please allow for 1-2 business days to fulfill your order.